With the project 50+50 the International Furniture Fair invited a selection of designers and our academic research unit to question how would be design within the next 50 years.
The Non linear Solutions Unit is an experimental LAB, connecting advanced tools developed within the university context with the reality of proffesional practice. It has been invited by Marva Griffin, the director of the Salone Satellite, to be part of the 50+50 project.
By taking into account several case study NSU explores the way in which advanced tools are affecting our approach to architecture and design.
By taking into account several case study NSU explores the way in which advanced tools are affecting our approach to architecture and design.
The experience of the Milano Furniture Fair, explores the capacity of a model to respond to different site conditions, and to reconfigure in accord with technical experiential, economical, and social conditions.
The Milano Furniture Fair is widely recognized as the world’s largest and most important annual exposition of international design with over 300,000 visitors annually.
It is always showing the latest experiential installations and interacting with visitors.
It is an event involving not only the design community, but all the cultural environment of the city of Milano.
link to the salone
Check the videos to see some of the last editions designs.
The project is going to be structured in 4 phases.
Phase 1:
Organization, schematic design, definition of basic constrains and frame work, cost estimate, coordination.
Number of hours 160 (NSU),
Number of hours 160 (NSU),
Schematic Design: Caterina Tiazzoldi
Research assistant Javier Zaratiegui
Research assistant Javier Zaratiegui
Phase two: Visual studies class 50 + 50 Milano Furniture Fair: Parametric Implementation for a Site Reactant installation (SRI) GSAPP Students – January 2011 (please see attachment), developed by Caterina Tiazzoldi.
TA: Dan Cashen, Vern Roether, Bryce Suite and Javier Zaratiegui.
George Valdes gv2186@columbia.edu
George Valdes gv2186@columbia.edu
Ben Brichta ebb2129@columbia.edu
Elena Kapompasopoulou ek2658@columbia.edu
Georgina Lalli gml2140@columbia.edu
Youmi Kim yk2364@columbia.edu
Andrew Kim atk2118@columbia.edu
Kyra Thomas kmt2137@columbia.edu
Florence Schmett fes2116@columbia.edu
Allen Robinson apr2011@columbia.edu
Evan Bauer eab2173@columbia.edu
Thomas Pope tcp2109@columbia.edu
Katherine Thorn ket2119@columbia.edu
Elena Kapompasopoulou ek2658@columbia.edu
Georgina Lalli gml2140@columbia.edu
Youmi Kim yk2364@columbia.edu
Andrew Kim atk2118@columbia.edu
Kyra Thomas
Florence Schmett fes2116@columbia.edu
Allen Robinson apr2011@columbia.edu
Evan Bauer
Thomas Pope tcp2109@columbia.edu
Katherine Thorn ket2119@columbia.edu
Phase three: Visual studies class 50 + 50 Milano Furniture Fair: Body reactant interface (BRI) An interactive video interface to develop for the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Milano Furniture Fair. (please see attachment) developed by NSU/GSAPP in a strict collaboration with Mirko Arcese.
Andrew Kim atk2118@columbia.edu
Cristina Handal ch2188@columbia.edu
Dionysis Kaltis dk2382@columbia.edu
Evan Bauer eab2173@columbia.edu
George Valdes gv2186@columbia.edu
Jevin Dornic jmd2182@columbia.edu
Kelsey Lents kll2110@columbia.edu
Michael Gonzales mg3099@columbia.edu
Michele Bruno mb3408@columbia.edu
Sanny Ngy hn2204@columbia.edu
Tom Sebastian tsg2114@columbia.edu
Cristina Handal ch2188@columbia.edu
Dionysis Kaltis dk2382@columbia.edu
Evan Bauer eab2173@columbia.edu
George Valdes gv2186@columbia.edu
Jevin Dornic jmd2182@columbia.edu
Kelsey Lents kll2110@columbia.edu
Michael Gonzales mg3099@columbia.edu
Michele Bruno mb3408@columbia.edu
Sanny Ngy hn2204@columbia.edu
Tom Sebastian tsg2114@columbia.edu
Phase four: finalization of the work, final construction drawings, execution coordination, budget finalization, time line, on site construction, permanence in Milan or during the design week presentation to public and security.
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